Citizenship Applications
John Smithwick
Jackson Superior Court
To his honor the Judge of said Court –
The humble petition of John Smithwick sheweth that he as a native of Ireland has been a resident of the United States of America about three years, is desirous of being a citizen of the United States according to the process of the laws in such case made
John Smithwick
Sept. 10th 1823
Superior Court
John Smithwick in open Court on Oath saith that he is a native of Ireland has been in the United States for about 3 years past and is desirous of becoming a Citizen of said United States and that he doth hereby declare that he renounces all allegiance to any Sovereign prince or potentate and particularly with the King of Great Britain – and that this is a notice to become a Citizen of the United States in Terms of the Laws in that Case made & provided
John Smithwick
September 10th 1823
Sworn to in Open
Court before me
AJ Clayton
Presiding Judge
Michael Mackin
Jackson County
Upon the application of Michael Mackin for admission to citizen ship stating that he is an alien & formerly subject of the King of Great Britain being a native of Ireland and that he was residing within the limits and under the Jurisdiction of the united States before the 7th of July 1794 & been a constant resident of the same ever since attached to the Laws and Constitution thereof and has behaved as a man of good moral character and well disposed to the good order and happiness of said United States upon due? proof of the promises in open Court & upon his taking and subscribing the following oath he is in pursuance of the laws of the said United States admitted a citizen thereof with all the rights and immunities which by the law & constitution belong to that character
Georgia Jackson County
I Michael Mackin most? solemnly declare that I will support the constitution of the united States & doth hereby absolutely & entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance & fidelity to every foreign prince potentate state or sovereignty whatever & particularly the king of Great Britain & Ireland So help me God
Michael Mackin
Sworn to in open Court 13th March 1822
Augustin S. Clayton Judge Supr. Court
Archibald McLaurin
Jackson Supr. Court
To his honor the Judge of said Court
The Humble petition of Archibald McLaurin sheweth that he is a native of Scotland has been a resident in the United States of America about twelve months and is desirous of becoming a citizen of said United States according to the provisions of the laws in such case made
Archibald McLaurin
18th March 1823
Jackson Supr. Court
Archibald McLaurin in open Court on oath saith that he is a native of Scotland has been in the United States for about twelve months past and is desirous of becoming a Citizen of said United States – and that he doth hereby declare that he renounces all allegiances to any foreign prince or potentate and particularly to the King of great Britain
Archd. McLaurain
Sworn to in open Court
13th March 1823
Edward Adams Clk