Isaac Matthews
Matthews or Mathews, Isaac
S. 31843
Georgia 3450
Isaac Mathews of Jackson in the State of Georgia
who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Carter
of the Regt. commanded by Col. Hammond in the So. Carolina line for
6 months from 177-
Inscribed on the roll of Georgia at the rate of 20 Dollars per annum, to
commence on the 4th day of March, 1831
Certificate of Pension issued the 22nd day of Dec 1832 and sent to Hon. A. S.
Clayton House of Reps.
Arrears to 4th of Sept 1832 | $30 |
Semi-anl. allowance ending 4 Mar 33 | $10 |
$40 |
Revolutionary Claim
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Nathan Rice, Clerk
Book D, Vol. 8, Page 148
State of Georgia
Jackson County
On this 6th day of Nov. 1832, personally appeared in open Court before the Inferior Court of said
County, now sitting, Isaac Mathews a resident of Jackson county and State aforesaid, aged 71 years,
who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order
to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service of the
United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated:
He was drafted in Edgefield District So. Carolina towards the close of the war, to serve under Capt. John
Carter & Col. Terry Hammond, – He served under these officers two tours of three months each. During the
first tour he was at the siege of Augusta & remained until the taking of that place. During the second tour
he was attached to General Greene’s army at Dorchester above Charleston. He was in no action during the last tour;
the British confining themselves to Charleston the Americans lying at Dorchester. He rec’d no discharge from
either of the above tours that he now recollects of. He was in no other regular service during the war but
was often in scouting parties and was once stationed at Fudge’s Mills for a length of time which he does not recollect,
and for which he makes no claim.
He was about sixteen years old when in service. He was born in Va. Mecklinburgh County on the 13th February 1762.
Has no record of his age & learned it from his father.
He has no documentary proof by which to establish his claim, nor does he know of any person now living by whom
he can prove the same. He was living in Edgefield Dist. So. Carolina when called into service & remained there
until 1801, when he removed to Georgia to this County, where he has remained ever since.
Sworn to and subscribed in open court
Isaac Matthews
Joseph Hampton J.I.C.
David Witt J.I.C.
Aug J. Brown J.I.C.
He names the following persons to whom reference can be had for his character & reputation as a soldier of the revolution
Viz. William Matthews, Henry Swan, Milton Mathews, Joseph Mattocks, Carlos Strickland, Henry Anglin, John Crayton
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not
on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid,
Isaac Matthews (signed)
Joseph Hampton J.I.C.
Aug. J. Brown J.I.C.
We, John Harrison, a Clergyman, residing in Jackson County and Wm. Matthews, residing in the same, hereby certify,
that we are well acquainted with Isaac Matthews, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to
be 71 years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the revolution,
and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
John Harrison
William Matthews
Joseph Hampton J. I. C.
David Witt J.I.C.
And the said Court do hereby certify and declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and after putting
the interrogatories prescribed by the War department, that the above applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier, and served
as he states. And the Court further certifies, that it appears to them that John Harrison who has signed the preceding
certificate, is a Clergyman, resident in the County of Jackson and that Wm. Mathews who has also signed the same is a resident
in the county of Jackson, and is a credible person, that their statement is entitled to credit.
Joseph Hampton J.I.C.
David Witt J.I.C.
Aug. J. Brown J.I.C.
I Sylvanus Ripley, clerk of the Inferior Court of said county do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original
proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of Isaac Mathews for a pension. In testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal of office, this 6th day of Nov in the year of our Lord, 1832
Sylvanus Ripley
[letter dated 30 Nov 1935 to Mrs. Harold Weaver of Edmondson, AR omitted]
[letter dated 21 Oct 1935 from Mrs. Harold Weaver of Edmondson, AR omitted]
[letter dated 8 July 1934 from Jessie M. Snyder of Columbus, GA omitted]
[letter dated 14 Sept 1937 to Mrs. Hugh Spann of Dothan, AL omitted]
[letter dated 15 Sept 1937 to Mrs. Hugh Spann of Dothan, AL omitted]
[letter dated 24 July 1934 to Jessie M. Snyder of Columbus, GA omitted]
[letter dated 23 Sep 1931 to Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth of Edgefield, SC omitted]
[letter dated 5 Sept 1937 from Mrs. Hugh Spann of Dothan, AL omitted]
Submitted by Cheryl Chasin