Confederate Pension Lists
Widows and Invalid SoldiersThese are pages 66 & 67, date at top 1893, of Confederate pension records for Jackson County:
Page 66 has the name of the widow first – then the name of their husband. These are in columns, but I will list them without columns.
Nancy E. Austin (1), husband Lafayet Austin, Co. G, Reg. – 16 Ga, went to service Mar “63”, Died Atlanta Ga Fever Dec 1864
Elizabeth Tolbert (2), husband Calvin Tolbert (or Talbert?), Co. D, Reg. – Cobb Legion, went to service Mar “62”, died Atlanta Apr 1862
Nancy V. Sailors (3), husband John Sailors, Co. B, Reg. – 43 Ga, went to service June 20th 62, Died Knoxville Tenn Measles July 20,1862
Beatrice Ivey (4), husband James Ivey, Co. G, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service July 1861, Killed Fredericksburg Va. – Decr 13th 1862
A.D.Benton (5), husband S.G. Benton, Co. H, Reg. – 43rd, went to service Mar 1862, Died Atlanta Ga “measles”, June 25th 1862
Agnes Kenney (6), husband John F. Kenney, Co. D, Reg. – Cobb Legion, went to service Aug 61, Killed Maryland Sept “62” (Battle Crampton Gap)
C.S. Gilbert (7), husband T.S. Gilbert, Co. G, 43d Ga, went to service May “62”, Died “Fever” “Knoxville Tenn” November 1862
Susan D. Martin (8), husband James Martin, Co. B, Reg. – 38th Ga, went to service Oct 61, Killed Battle Gaines farm June 27 1862
R.C. Payne (9), husband James W. Payne, Co. W?, Reg. 39th Ga, went to service May 63, Died Vicksburg Miss (Small Pox) May 1864
Jemma Nunn (10), husband Rubin Nunn, Co. D, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service Feby 63, Died Charlottesville Va “Disease” January 1864
Nancy Wingfield (11), husband J.E. Wingfield, Co. C, Reg. – 18th Ga, went to service June 61, Died Richmond Va measles May 20 1862
M.E. Adams (12), husband George F. Adams, Co. C, Reg. – 18th Ga, went to service June 62, Died Richmond Va measles April 1862
Mary J.? Patrick (13), husband Miles J. Patrick, Co. G, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service July 61, Died Yorktown Va Pneumonia Feby 1862
J.E. Mathews (14), W.M. Mathews, Co. D, Reg. – 18th Ga, went to service June 61, Died Richmond Va Burn on foot November 1862
Sarah Davis (15), husband W.G.M. Davis, Co. D, Reg. – 43 Ga, went to service May 62, Died Atlanta Ga Fever June 1862
Jennie Mathews (16), husband John R. Martin, Co. E, Reg. – 4th Rgt GM?, went to service May 64, Died Griffin Ga “Gunshot wound” Aug – 1864
Susan W.? (or M.) Morris (17), husband Jas. H. Morris, Co. H, Reg. – 43rd Ga, went to service May 62, Died Macon? (smudged), Ga “Chronic Diarhea Jany 25th 1865
M.F. Galloway (18), husband W.R. Galloway, Co. B, Reg. – 29th Ga, went to service Mar 62, Died Jackson Miss Cholera Morbus? July 1863
Sarah Brown (19), husband Geo. M. Brown, Co. B, Reg. – 27th Ga, went to service Oct 63, “Killed Battle Cold Habor Va”, June “1864”
Mary Lord (20), husband Thos. S. Lord, Co. (none listed), Reg. Ga M, went to service Aug 64, Died Jackson Co “measels” Oct 18 1864
S.A. Glenn (21), husband Jno? E. Glenn, Co. E, Reg. – 34th Ga, went to service May 62, Died Frankfort Ky Pneumonia Oct 1862
S.E. Thornton (22), husband J.R. Thornton, Co. G, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service July 61, Died York Town Va “Erycepelas” Feby 1862
Pyrena Chandler (23), husband Robin Chandler, Co. C, Reg. – 59th Ga, went to service May 62, Died while on the way home from Army Pneumonia Dec 1st 1862
Morning Freeman (24), husband Henry Freeman, Co. G, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service May 62, Killed Knoxville Tenn November 25th 1863
Eliza A. Freeman (25), husband Hugh A. Freeman, Co. I, Reg. 65 Ga, went to service Sept 63, Died Dalton Ga Chronic Diarrhea – Mar 4th 1864
Louiza Freeman (26), husband W.F. Freeman, Co. I, Reg. 65 Ga, went to service Sept. 63, Died Lookout Mt Disease February 1865
Arthline Brooks (27), husband A.J. Brooks, Co. E. Reg. – 34th Ga, went to service May 62, Died Macon Ga “from wound” Aug 23 1864
E.C. Jackson (28), husband Z. Jackson, Co. L, Reg. – 3rd Ga, went to service May 62, Died Jackson Co. Ga from wound May 18th 1862
Margaret Gunnells (29), husband Willis Gunnells, Co. D, Reg. 16th Ga, went to service Aug 61, Died Richmond Va Chronic Diarhea Feby 1863
Sarah A.L. Harris ( 30), husband J.M. Harris, Co. C, Reg. – 18th Ga, went to service Mar 62, Died Richmond Va measles Apr 16th 1862
Julia M. Perry (31), husband Thos. J. Perry, Co. I, Reg. – 66th Ga, went to service Sept 63, Died Franklin Tenn wound Novr. 1864
Easter Nunn (32), husband J.E. Nunn, Co. E, Reg. – 34th Ga, went to service Mar 62, Died Richmond Va Dropsy – Aug 1st 1864
Malinda A. Jordan (33), husband James Jordan, Co. B, Reg. – 20th Ga, went to service May 62, Died Fort Delaware Chronic Diarrhea 1864
Malinda Lyle (34), husband Wm C. Lyle, Co. B, Reg. – 16th Ga, went to service Nov 63, Died Lynchburg, Va (Small Pox) Febry 2 1864
Ann Coleman (35), husband A.A. Coleman, Co. C, Reg. – 4th Rgt Ga Reserves, went to service May 64, Died Jackson Co Ga Dropsy Contracted in service July 1863
Mary Espy (36), husband Calvin Espy, Co. G, Reg. – 43 Ga, went to service Feby 62, Died Bakers Creek from wound 16th May 1863
E.J. Wilson (37), husband W.O. Wilson, Co. C, Reg. – 18th Ga, went to service Mar 61, Killed Battle Manassas Aug 30 1862
Mary Whitmire (38), husband John Whitmire, Co. G, Reg. – 43rd Ga, went to service May 62, Died Fort Delaware Disease 1863
Sarah J. Davis (39), husband S.D.S. Davis, Co. C, Reg. – 12th Ga Bat, went to service Mar 61, Died Petersburg Va Fever April 5 1865
Virginia Walls (40), husband John W. Walls, Co. H, Reg. – 43rd Ga, went to service Mar 62, Killed Vicksburg Miss May 16th 1863
Pages 70 and 71 of Jackson County Confederate Pension records, information listed: name of soldier, company, regiment, where wounded, battle where he was wounded, post office to send pension to, if paid
J.T. Harrison (1), Co. C, 52 Ga Reg., accidental wounded arm off, right arm, Vicksburg, MS, (PO) Algernon, Ga, paid
J.M. Harman (2), Co. E, 34 Ga Reg., left arm off, Bakers Creek, Miss., (PO) Nickolson PO, Paid
A. L. Barge (3), (PO) Nicholson
Geo. T. King (4), Co. E, 43 Ga, wounded in left leg, Jonesboro, Ga, PO – Jefferson, Ga, Paid
T.J. Rives (5), Co. H, Cobb Legion, in lower jaw (no place listed), PO – Mulberry PO, Paid
L.J. Johnson (6), Co. E, 16th Ga Cav, in right ankle, Fisher Hill, Va, PO – Jefferson PO, Paid
J.M. Ariaid (7), Co. A, 2d Ga Rgt., left arm shoulder, Gettysburg, Pen., PO – Mayesville, Ga, Paid
J.H. Watson (8), Co. D, 16th Ga Rgt., left eye shot out, Molsen Hill, Va, PO – Hoschton, Ga, Paid
J.W. Merk (9), Co. G, 16 Ga Rgt., through both thighs, Crampton Gap MD, PO – Dry Pond, Paid
R.B. Marlow (10), Co. G, 43 Ga Rgt, right shoulder, Kingston, NC, PO – Mayesville, Paid
M.P. Wood (11), Co. G, 43 Ga Rgt., left leg shot off, Bakers Creek, Miss., PO – H Grove, Paid
M.S. Porter (12), Co. A, 24 Ga Rgt., left eye shot out, Crampton Gap MD, PO – H. Grove on 15 Sept, paid
Martin Eberhart (13), Co. E, 23 Ga Rgt, left ankle, Ocean Pond, Fla., PO – Mayesville, Paid
W.J. Pikelsimon (14), Co. G, 65 Ga Rgt, left arm off, Franklin, Tenn, PO – J? Town?, Paid
W.A. Pinson (15), Co. E, 34 Ga Rgt., Neck Jaw, Jonesboro, Ga, PO – Jefferson Ga, Paid
Geo. W. Brown (16), Co. K, 6 Ga Rgt., right arm off, Bentonville ? NC, PO – Mayesville, Paid
W.A. Rutless? (17), Co. L, 3 Ga Rgt., left leg below knee, Sharpesburg, MS, PO – Stockam?, Paid
E.M. Minish (18), Co. D, 5 S.C. Rgt, right arm shot, Mil?, Va., PO – Harmony Grove, Ga, Paid
A.A. Moore (19), Co. B, 16 Ga Rgt, fore finger off right, Gettysburg, Pen, PO – Pendergrass, Ga, Paid
Jesse C. Williams (20), ? Artillery, Stabbed in left Side?, near Appomattox, Va, PO – Jefferson, Paid
G.A.F. Keene? (21), Co. A, 24 Ga Rgt, through left thigh, Chancellorsville, Va, PO – Virgil?, Paid
D.A. Hughey (22), Co. B, 16 Ga Rgt., right leg off below knee, Wilderness, Va., PO – Jones Town
T.J. Vickers (23), Co. F, 16 Ga Rgt., left foot, Coal Harbor, Va., PO – J? Town, Ga, Paid
E.A. Loggins (24), Co. I, 38 Ga Rgt, right arm, Gaines Mill, Va, PO – Constantine, Paid
C.C. McElhann (25), Co. K, 16 Ga Cal?, left thigh & leg, Fisher Hill, Va, PO – McElhann Ga., Paid
C.S. Hill (26), Co. E, 16 Ga Cal, left arm off, Barbersville, Ky, PO – Hoschton, Ga, Paid
J.S. Echols (27), Co. I, 24th Ga Rgt., Finger off left hand, Wilderness, Va, PO – Constantine, Ga, Paid
N.A. Moss (28), Co. I?, 16 Ga Rgt., Hip jint? left ?, Gains Farm?, Va, PO – J? Town, Ga, Paid
C.S. Fluman? (29), Co. D, 16 Ga Bat., Leg – left knee joint, Limestone Springs, Tenn, PO – Nic? (blob), Paid
F.A. Coleman (30), Co. K, 21 Rgt. Mississippi, left shoulder, Cedar Creek, Va., PO – Harmony Grove, Paid
Wm. Thurmond (31), Co. E, 16th Ga Bat., left shoulder & lung?, Blue Springs, Tenn, PO – Harmony Grove, Paid
W.H.H. Walten (32), Co. H, 59 Ga Rgt., fore-finger off, Wilderness, Va., PO – Athens, Ga
L.C. Fowler (33), Co. G, 16 Ga Bat., left eye out, small pox, PO – Pendergrass, Paid
W.R. Aaron (34), Co. A, 24 Ga, right leg, Gettysburg, PO – Harmony Grove, Paid
S.H. Morris, Co. D, 5 Ga Rgt., ruptured by trai?, Gettysburg,
Isham? Sailors, Co. E, 34 Ga, Left leg, Atlanta, Ga, PO – Jefferson, Ga